Get your Wiki Credentials

wikicmd is meant to be used with MediaWiki's Bot Passwords. Getting your Bot Password is an easy process once you have your user account for Wikipedia or any MediaWiki website. This guide will show you how to do it.

This guide links to Wikipedia but you can follow these steps in any MediaWiki instance.

1-) Get your account

Signup to Wikipedia here if you don't have an account yet. Then login with your account in Wikipedia.

2-) Setup your Bot Password

Click here to go to the Bot Password page.

Under Bot Name, type a bot name of your preference. You'll use it later when configuring wikicmd. Click Create.

Next, you'll be asked which privileges to assign to your new Bot Password. The following privileges are relevant to wikicmd - you will want to check them:

Import revisions
Edit existing pages
Edit protected pages
Create, edit, and move pages
Upload new files
Upload, replace, and move files
Delete pages

Click Create. MediaWiki creates a random password for you, which is shown immediately after you've created your Bot Password. Make sure not to lose the information in this page, as you'll be using it in the next step configuring wikicmd.

3-) Configure wikicmd with your new Bot Password

Supposing that your Wikipedia's Username is JohnDoe and your Bot Password is named mybot, and the randomly generated password is 123456789, your wikicmd configuration should then be edited as such:

  "wikis": [
      "id": "my_wiki",
      "address": "",
      "user": "JohnDoe@mybot",
      "password": "123456789"

Having followed these steps, wikicmd should be set and ready to be used. In case of issues, you can report bugs in this link.