Handling CORS

The --cors flag can be used when running mock. It will take care of setting up all the necessary headers in your API’s Responses to enable browser clients to comunicate without problems:

$ mock serve --cors -c /path/to/your/config.json

Customizing OPTIONS Requests

The --cors flag adds the necessary headers for you for all requests, including OPTIONS requests. There may be cases however when these headers do not satisfy your needs, and you need to further customise them. You may use Middlewares to customize the headers for OPTIONS requests:

mock serve \
    -p 3000 \
    --cors \
    --middleware 'test $MOCK_REQUEST_METHOD = "options" && mock set-header foo bar' \
    --route foo/bar \
    --response "Hello, world"

The middleware above verifies whether the request being handled is an OPTIONS request, and then if it is, it adds the Foo: bar HTTP Header to the Response.


For an example of when it’d be necessary to manipulate headers for OPTIONS requests: there are cases when it’s not desireable that Access-Control-Allow-Origin be set to *, and that it be set to an actual origin value.