Assertion Chaining

Assertions can be combined with chaining options and and or. In the following assertion payload, we’re extending the assertion we tried previously, asserting that our endpoint was called with the {"foo":"bar"} JSON payload.

  "route": "hello/world",
  "assert": {
    "type": "method_match",
    "value": "post",
    "and": {
      "type": "json_body_match",
      "key_values": {
        "foo": "bar"

In plain-english: assert that hello/world was requested with the POST method, and the {"foo":"bar"} JSON payload.

or can also be used for chaining assertions.

As shown in the example, chaining options are nested within a parent assertion. There’s no limit to how many assertion chains you can make:

  "route": "hello/world",
  "assert": {
    "type": "...",
    "value": "...",
    "and": {
      "type": "...",
      "value": "...",
      "and": {
        "type": "...",
        "value": "...",
        "or": {
          "type": "...",
          "value": "...",
          "and": {
            "type": "...",
            "value": "..."