mock - API and testing utility

mock is an API utility - it lets you:

  • define API routes easily through API configuration files or through command-line parameters.

  • use shells scripts as response handlers. Or any other type of program can act as response handlers.

  • test your API - make assertions on whether an endpoint was requested.

Let’s look at a simple example - an API with 2 routes GET say_hi/{name} and GET what_time_is_it:

$ mock serve --port 3000 \
  --route 'say_hi/{name}' \
  --method GET \
  --response 'Hello, world! My name is ${name}.' \
  --route "what_time_is_it" \
  --method GET \
  --exec 'printf "Now it is %s" $(date +"%H:%M") | mock write'

Now try requesting your mock API at port 3000 (can also be from your browser!):

$ curl localhost:3000/say_hi/john_doe

Hello, world! My name is john_doe.

$ curl localhost:3000/what_time_is_it

Now it is 22:00

mock lets you also extend other APIs (or any HTTP service, for that matter.) Suppose you want to add a new route to an existing API running at

$ mock serve --port 3000 \
  --base \
  --route 'some_new_route' \
  --method GET \
  --exec 'printf "Hello, world!" | mock write'

With the --base option above, your mock API will act as proxy to that other website, and extend it with an extra route GET /some_new_route. Look up “Base APIs” in the docs for more details.

There are many other ways of further customising your APIs with mock. Read further through this guide to learn.

Read further…

The core functionalities of mock are documented each in their respective sections. Read further to learn:


mock is licensed under MIT. For more information check the LICENSE file.